

To empower our community for success by meeting the postsecondary learning needs of all 圣安东尼奥大学的学生通过公平的教育实践,为不同的人口在全球网络化的社会. To help 学生 achieve their full potential by preparing them to graduate, 转移, or enter the workforce with effective critical thinking skills, 沟通能力, 领导能力, 个人和公民责任, empirical and quantitative understanding, 性能水平, and the ability to work effectively in teams.




  • 学生们首先
  • 社区-engaged
  • 能做的精神
  • 尊重所有人
  • 协作
  • Data-informed 



战略规划 at 圣安东尼奥学院

圣安东尼奥学院 engages in planning and evaluation processes that are on-going, 集成, 以研究为基础(以数据为依据),并在学院内的多个地方和多个层次进行. 学院的大多数计划和评估流程都是完善和部署的, 并提供有价值的结果,为下一个计划周期的改进提供具体的策略, or lead to continuous iterative improvements.


圣安东尼奥学院每周都会进行持续的计划和评估过程, 每月, 每学期, 年度, 一年两次, 还有多年周期. 较短的周期为学院提供了灵活性来评估具体的策略,并改变那些无效或导致负面后果的策略. 较长的周期为学院提供了对其使命和愿景进行元评估的机会.

SAC运营战略规划 Assessment Cycle

战略规划 Review and Evaluation

学院的战略规划和评估过程包括对机构使命的系统审查, goals, 和结果. Development of 圣安东尼奥学院's strategic plan begins with the college mission, 愿景, 和值语句. In addition to an 年度 review/re愿景 of goals and objectives, 任务, 愿景 和值语句 are also reviewed.

所有学院的战略目标和目的每年都会进行审查,并根据当前的绩效指标进行更新. 每年, Strategic Quality Enhancement Committee, SQEC, (前身为SQET),每月开会一次, reviews the college’s status toward achieving goals and objectives. If the 目标 have been met, they may be revised and new timelines set. 也可根据特别倡议修订目标,或增加新的目标. The college aligns its strategic plan with the 十大网赌正规网址官网区’s strategic plan. 大学部门(学生成功), 学术成就, 和学院服务)使他们的目标和目标与学院的战略计划保持一致.

学院的每个系/单位, 有一个战略计划, 负责审核/更新其战略计划每年至少两次,并回答分析问题. SQEC conducts a summer evaluation of unit strategic plans.

Using Planning and Evaluation Results to Inspire Improvement

在圣安东尼奥学院,规划和评估过程导致了机构质量的提高. 在大学阶段, 跟踪学院战略计划进展的关键绩效指标(KPI)通常至少每年更新一次. 一旦达到战略目标,就建立新的目标,继续扩大改进. When opportunities for improvement are identified, through any of the variety of evaluation processes in place at the college, 学院行政团队, CET, and the Strategic Quality Enhancement Committee, SQEC, 听取关键部门的意见, recommend improvement strategies to the 大学 Council for approval.



The 圣安东尼奥学院 2019-2022 Strategic Plan 学生成功, 道义性的领导, 性能卓越, and 股本 as the top strategic priorities is coming to a 关闭. The next strategic plan will lead SAC to a new century of excellence. SAC庆祝成立100周年th 2025年9月.

让SAC社区参与进来, in structuring the 圣安东尼奥学院 2022-2025 Strategic Plan, the SAC Integrated Planning and 性能卓越, IPPE, 部门:

  • Hosted 愿景ing Sessions via Zoom with 教师, 工作人员, 学生, and a session with 学院行政团队, CET.
  • Will survey 学生, to share their 愿景 for 圣安东尼奥学院 – their 2021 阿斯彭奖 赢家!
  • Will host a Stakeholders Meeting in which internal and external stakeholders, conduct an analysis to identify internal strengths and weaknesses, and external opportunities and threats (SWOT analysis).

历史数据, 除了…之外, 远景会议的反馈, 调查, 利益相关者会议将帮助制定圣安东尼奥学院2022-2025战略计划.

资源 - 愿景ing 圣安东尼奥学院 2022-2025 Stakeholders Meeting

Student Success Measures | Male Population 股本 Subgroup

圣安东尼奥学院, 评估, 并通过其战略规划过程发布与学院使命相一致的多种学生成功衡量标准. As a mission-driven institution, all things begin and end with the college mission. As part of the college’s commitment to continuous improvement, 策略质素提升委员会(SQEC),其唯一目的是推动学院的策略计划, reviewed and revised the 任务 Statement.

The 任务 Statement approved by the Board of Trustees is as follows:

通过在全球网络社会中为不同人群提供公平的教育实践,满足所有圣安东尼奥大学学生的高等教育需求,使我们的社区获得成功. To help 学生 achieve their full potential by preparing them to graduate, 转移, or enter the workforce with effective critical thinking skills, 沟通能力, 领导能力, 个人和公民责任, empirical and quantitative understanding, 性能水平, and the ability to work effectively in teams.

每年秋季和春季学期, 自2014年以来, 整个学院都参加了为期一天的活动,作为SAC持续改进承诺的一部分. 整个SAC分数日, departments participate in analysis and evaluation of 战略规划, 学生学习评估, 和关键绩效指标(kpi).

As part of the strategic planning 评估ment, 参与者评估个体, 程序, 部门, 以及适当的大学水平数据. 大学水平的进步, SAC战略计划, is ultimately documented on the SAC学生成功衡量标准 Scorecard.

2019年春天, 一组利益相关者(学生), 教师, 工作人员, 管理员, 受托人, 社区领袖, 教育合作伙伴, 地区合作伙伴, 大学的合作伙伴, and local political leaders) participated in a SWOT analysis, which resulted in establishing the college’s four Strategic Priorities: 1. 学生成功,2. 原则为中心的领导. 卓越表现及4. 股本. The SQEC then identified and published the SAC 2019-2022 Strategic Plan with 任务, 愿景, 值, 优先事项和目标. 战略计划目标, 措施, 基准, 目标, 每次SAC得分后,结果都会公布在SAC学生成功衡量计分卡上.

优先事项1的重点. Student Success is achieved through the following three goals:

Goal 1 – 实现更高的入学率, 持久性, 课程完成率, 订婚, 国际贸易中心毕业率, and total number of awards (certificates and degrees) across all student groups.

Goal 2 – Achieve and sustain excellent student and college support services, 提供世界级课程, and high-quality instruction to create a best place to learn environment.

目标3 -继续发展, 评估, 并改善数据知情的途径,以支持学生的学业成功和职业规划, 为了促进公平.

学生成功的优先事项, 目标, 和相应的措施列于下表:学生成绩衡量标准与策略计划的一致性.

Table: Alignment of Student Achievement Measures to Strategic Plan

 优先级  Goal  测量(s)


维持, 评估, and improve student pathways and optimize campus environments to expand access, 增加保留, and guide and support student success through completion.

目标1: 实现更高的入学率, 持久性, 课程完成率, 订婚, 国际贸易中心毕业率, and total number of awards (certificates and degrees) across all student groups.


  1. 招生
  2. 持久性
  3. 课程完成率, CCR, (number of 学生 at the end of course) and 生产品位率, PGR
  4. 订婚
  5. 工业贸易中心毕业率
  6. Total Number of Awards (certificates and degrees)

 优先级  Goal  测量(s)


维持, 评估, and improve student pathways and optimize campus environments to expand access, 增加保留, and guide and support student success through completion.

目标2: Achieve and sustain excellent student and college support services, 提供世界级课程, and high-quality instruction to create a best place to learn environment.


  1. 传输速率
  2. 就业率
  3. 招生 in high-wage high-demand 程序s



 优先级  Goal  测量(s)


维持, 评估, and improve student pathways and optimize campus environments to expand access, 增加保留, and guide and support student success through completion.

目标3: 继续发展, 评估, 并改善数据知情的途径,以支持学生的学业成功和职业规划, 为了促进公平.


  1. AlamoADVISE completion average of Individual Success Plan (ISP), 个人使命陈述(MMS), 接触点15, 30, 45小时
  2. Number of 教师 and 工作人员 having participated in equity training


Access the SAC学生成功衡量标准 Scorecard